Alliance Sports Camp '23

Mark your calendars now for Alliance Sports Camp 2023, July 24-28, where we'll be learning to Follow Jesus Here, There, and Everywhere. Registration will open on May 1st.

Keep an eye on this page and Facebook as more details of the camp are announced this spring!

Alliance Sports Camp 2022 Followup

Thanks to everyone who helped make Alliance Sports Camp 2022 such an incredible week! To all those who prayed for us, supported us financially, volunteered for the camp, or entrusted us with your precious kids for a week, a huge THANK YOU!  As we learned all week, every one of us, regardless of our age, can be used by God to "Make Waves" and change the world around us. God is doing an amazing work in the lives of the next generation and it's such a privilege to be a part of it.

Parents, we hope that the conversations we had together about big ideas like loving like Jesus loved, accepting the invitation to follow Jesus, and living a life filled with the Fruit of the Spirit can continue in your family beyond camp. Below are some resources to help you get connected with a local church, talk with your kids about faith, and relive some of the highlights of the camp. If there is anything else we can do to support your family, please let us know!

Alliance Sports Camp 2022 Recap Video

Family Resources

One of the things we emphasized in our rallies and huddle times is God's desire for all of us to continue growing in our faith, whether we are still seeking and trying to figure out who God is or have been attending church our entire lives.  Below are several resources that we hope can help your family grow closer together and closer to God.

  • The best resource to help your family grow in your faith is the local church.  State College Alliance Church is part of a collection of local congregations called the CityChurch.  The churches listed here represent a variety of neighborhoods, styles, and demographics but all share a common mission to bless the Central Pennsylvania community through outreach, service, teaching, counseling, and many other means..

  • Parent Cue is an excellent family resource by Orange, the group who produced the materials we used for our Rallies and Huddle Times.  This link points to high quality articles, podcasts, and other resources designed to "Help Parents do Family Better"

  • Alliance Sports Camp 2022 Playlist

    If your kids couldn't get enough of the music at Alliance Sports Camp, here are two ways you can keep it playing at home: