
We are called to be engaged in Jesus' mission to advance the Kingdom of God through following his command to "Go" (Matthew 28:19).  Some of us walk across the street, reaching out to neighbors and others travel around the world. 

If you're interested in being more involved with missions through our church, let us know!

Missions Interest Form

Berlin 2024

A team from our church traveled to Berlin from June 26 - July 6, 2024.   They partnered with the C&MA's Envision site there, to learn how the C&MA is reaching the Post-Christian culture in East Berlin as well as refugees who have resettled there.


sports Camp Kenya 2024

From July 28 - August 10, a group of 8 individuals headed to Nyeri, Kenya to partner with an AWANA program we've been supporting for years to bring Alliance Sports Camp.  The team will be collaborating with local Christians to share the gospel and increase engagement with the AWANA program already in place.

Read Trip Updates

Mission Partnerships

  • Great Commission Fund

    State College Alliance Church supports worldwide missions through the Alliance Great Commission Fund.  To find out more about the GCF and how you can contribute to it, visit the CMA website.

  • Samaria Fund

    Our church loves to bless organizations within our region and around the world who are serving people beyond the scope of our local church's ministry.  This fund has been used to support local organizations such as Out of the Cold Centre County and the Pregnancy Resource Clinic.  Consider giving a gift to this fund in order to help fuel ministry around our region! 
    (Choose "Samaria Fund" as the designation for your gift)

  • Persecuted Church

    We have a heart to support our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in countries where they are not free to openly follow Jesus.  Through a partnership with the College of Prayer, we regularly support their ministry to the persecuted church around the world.  Consider giving a gift to this fund in order to bless persecuted Christians around the world.

    (Choose "Persecuted Church" as the designation for your gift.)

  • AWANA Kenya

    For Years our church has supported an AWANA program based in Nyeri, Kenya, we have provided funds for materials and for leadership development.  You can join us in supporting this program through giving a gift to this fund.

    (Choose "AWANA Kenya (Wilson Waigwa)" as the designation for your gift.)